GTA 4 Free of charge download Computer game complete version ISO with direct download links highly pressurized. In case the links don't work, they're called wmvcore.dll and wmasf.dll. Basically, you just download two.dll files and place them in your GTA IV install directory, where the GTAIV.exe is found. Some programs using this file: Fallout 3 Resident Evil 5 Grand Theft Auto, GTA 4. You find it at the Microsoft xbox website. If replacing the missing or corrupt xlive.dll does not solve your problem, you might need to re-install the complete Games for Windows Live package. Xlive.dll is normally found in the Windows system folder. Camping Mobile Save H X Donate Contact us. XLIVE.DLL MISSING GTA 4 DOWNLOAD FREE - JonhySmith 13 minutes ago.