The DH-17 blaster pistol was said to be used by the Galactic Republic forces in the Star Wars: Battlefront video game and in the animated TV series Star Wars: Clone Wars. (See: Star Wars Galaxies: Ruins of Dantooine) The weapon is also favored by forces in ground combat. It is primarily designed for ship use, where it can pierce blaster armor although not a ship's hull. The BlasTech DH-17 is a weapon used by both the Imperial Navy and Rebel Alliance/New Republic Navy officers. This weapon is standard issue for Rebel Troopers in Star Wars: Empire at war in forest maps.ĭH-17 blaster pistol File:DH-17 blaster.jpg

In addition, the Arms and Equipment Guide for the d20 Star Wars RPG describes (and illustrates) the A280 quite differently than seen in The Empire Strikes Back.

The Star Wars CCG released by Decipher, however, denotes the rifles carried by Echo Base troopers as BlasTech A295 rifles, and the Endor Moon rifles as A280. The A-280 seems to be able to be produced as a rifle or carbine as seen in Episode V (The Empire Strikes back) during the Battle of Hoth when the rebels gather in the trenches, as there are many different types of blasters. The A-280 blaster rifles that were seen in the hands of the Rebel Alliance commandos in Return of the Jedi appeared to be a mixture of the original A-280 blaster rifles from The Empire Strikes Back and A-280s that were built from parts and components from the M-16/ AR-15 series rifles, especially parts and components from Colt Commando rifles. The BlasTech A-280 blaster rifle prop that was seen in The Empire Strikes Back was built from the World War II-era German Sturmgewehr 44 assault rifle. The A-280 blaster rifle was seen in the hands of Rebel Alliance soldiers during the Battle of Hoth in The Empire Strikes Back, as well as in the hands of Rebel Alliance commandos during the Battle of Endor in Return of the Jedi. The BlasTech A-280 blaster rifle is the standard-issue blaster rifle among the soldiers of the Rebel Alliance and the New Republic.

Rebel Alliance weaponry A-280 blaster rifle